Day 3

Big question

What are the basics of color and typography?

Watch these 2 videos and get a blank piece of paper. Design your header for your website. Think of the color and text rules you just learned. Hold on to your prototype (your design for your header) I will look at it tomorrow.

Before you leave write a new post titled “header design” and describe what your header will look like (you could also take a picture of the header and upload it to your site). Include what type of color scheme you are using, what images you will add and what you will have typed on your header.

You can also use this website, Paletton, for ideas

Day 4

Big question

How do I use the tool Photoshop to create my vision?

Get header size

Collect a minimum of 3 images that you will be compositing in photoshop to create your website header.

Photoshop basics

  • layers
  • tools
  • backgrounds
  • text
  • adjustments

Photoshop tutorial